Healing Energy Art / Acrylic Pours
In my work as a therapist, the angelic realms have, over a period of time, slowly and subtly introduced themselves to me and my clients, guiding and helping in treatment sessions with results that never cease to amaze, even now. Their presence has increased with time, until barely a session goes by without some angelic input. It is because of this I have been inspired to request their help, in particular when working with acrylic pours. Art is healing, in form, colour, design, intention etc. It is made up of a blend of energetic frequencies and vibrations. If those vibrations resonate in attunement with positive energy, that energy will carry healing vibrations that the eye, will see and so, the mind detect, which in turn affects the whole body. If we can tune into a particular angel's energy, we can benefit from the healing energy that it emanates. Just looking at such a painting will be beneficial, so meditating on it would be even more powerful.
All that aside, acrylic pours are simply fascinating in themselves, you can look at them for ages without getting bored of them, and always come back for more. If one in particular pulls your attention, it is offering you something you need. Listen to your heart and your body, they know what you truly want and what you need.
All that aside, acrylic pours are simply fascinating in themselves, you can look at them for ages without getting bored of them, and always come back for more. If one in particular pulls your attention, it is offering you something you need. Listen to your heart and your body, they know what you truly want and what you need.